Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Watch to the end

This is one reason I like heavy metal

Somebody looked at this album cover and said, "that's fucken awesome," without any irony.

As for Gamma Ray, they suck. An anagram of Gamma Ray is "ramma gay." Inspired by this, I went to where I entered "Gamma Ray Land of the Free," which yielded such gems as "Horny Marmalade Fag Fete," and "a gay farmhand left me roe." Try it yourself.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Diamond Dave's isolated singing

Here's an mp3 of David Lee Roth's isolated vocal track for "Running With the Devil." He's such a silly son of a bitch, but I love it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

R.I.P. Bobby Fischer

What can I say? Bobby Fischer meant a lot to those of us who grew up as chess nerds. Back in the '80s, we knew he was kind of weird and reclusive, but as time dragged on, his paranoid delusions became stranger and stranger.

He may have been the best chess player ever. If Kasparov or others reach or exceed his level, it's only due to his efforts. Even as a crazed middle-aged man, Fischer, if asked a question about chess, could provide a lucid, rational answer. Asked about anything else, he would be reduced to profane oaths and racist barbs: he fully subscribed to white supremacist beliefs about Zionist occupation governments and such and was convinced until his dying day that the Jews were out to get him. (He, of course, was raised by his Jewish mother in Brooklyn and, it was later discovered, was fathered by a Jewish Hungarian.)

It's hard not to want to eulogize such a guy--but, in this case, it can only be for the chess player, not the man. WARNING: not for the weak-eared. This is very offensive stuff.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

One of life's necessities

You never know when one of these babies will come in handy. Get one now while supplies last.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Win a Playstation 3!

I thought this was hilarious in a seriously ghoulish way.


More here, if the website happens to be working.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rollerblading idiot

I like it when the guy shrieks as he gets run over.

David Lynch doesn't like you watching movies on your phone

There is a little profanity, so be careful if you are at work.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"Another American city bends over to pick up the soap for a gang of Eurotrash art theory hustlers. "

This is from the website of writer, James Kunstler, who is well known for his books about the stupidity of American civil planning. He's also a big proponent of the "peak oil" idea.

Each month Kunstler posts the "eyesore of the month"--some sort of structure that's outstanding either for its ugliness or lack of functionality, or both. I submitted something to him once for consideration as the Eyesore--a giant and forbidding black tower of a building that's going to get built in Philadelphia. He wrote back that while the building was certainly ugly, it wasn't a humdinger. Points to Kunstler for his use of the term "humdinger." Anyway, check out this month's eyesore, but don't neglect to go back through his archives. He's a witty writer and critic who isn't afraid to cry "bullshit" when it's needed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Here's an old video taken from the Grand Tetons, of a large meteor hurtling through the earth's atmosphere at god knows what speed. It never struck the ground, just cruising about 30 miles above the surface before heading back out into orbit. If it had struck, the impact would have been similar to a small atomic bomb detonating. Incredible.