Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A story about a really, really dumb would-be politician

What the fuck?

I don't think you can say "only in Indiana," even though you really want to.

Friday, April 18, 2008

BMCC=Black Metal Community College

Saw two, count 'em, TWO Burzum shirts at BMCC, where I work today.

If that piece of work ever gets out of jail, it will be a travesty of justice.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Get it? I did, but only after about 3 hours...

Mundane intersects with mundane to create the transmundane.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rap Satire

Enough of the black metal satire for a while. Here's an innovative, but generally hit-or-miss comedian Reggie Watts I saw last summer performing his straight-up hit "Fuck Shit Stack." I've been looking for this on Youtube for months now! Here it is in all its vulgar glory.

When he's not being goofy, he performs music--both solo and ensemble--that he describes as a cross between late new wave and R & B. Sounds good to me!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why can't MTV be like this again?

I mean, just for ONE DAY? Stop everything, and just play stuff like this?

I just love this song. I think these guys suffered from the "too good for their own good" syndrome.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Essay about R2D2

This guy convincingly argues that R2D2 is actually the leader of the rebels, or at least their top agent, in the Star Wars series. A delightful read if you have any interest in the Star Wars deal.

Boxing kitty

No Stairway!

Contrabass saxophone.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mystery photo

I suspect an explanation of the events surrounding this photo would become seared in one's memory. There are some things you cannot un-know. Perhaps it's best this one remains a mystery.

Thanks to Sam D. for sending this.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Genius of Sesame Street

Watching Sesame Street with Sophia has made me aware of a lot of good stuff they've done since we Gen-Xers stopped watching years ago.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Morbid Anal Fog

...seem to want to give Gorgorotten a run for their money.

Dig the choreography at 1:45.