Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wendy O. Williams/Plasmatics

This fucking rocks. I'm actually ashamed it's taken me this long to get in to this. You'd think I'd have been a bit curious seeing as how she went to my high school!

Glen Campbell/Wichita Lineman

I've always been partial to this one:

Which, speaking of covers, has been done about 100,000 times since.

Glen Campbell

Yes, he's most recently famous for his mugshot following a DUI arrest, but listen to this fucking song. Keep in mind you're hearing the voice of a seventy two year old man. Beautiful. This is from an album of covers that was just released called, Meet Glen Campbell. You can look at it as a cash-in on the popularity of Johnny Cash's recent albums of modern covers, but that would sell this one quite short. Don't let that keep you from listening to this.

(Oh yeah, Steve, a couple Jellyfish guys are on this. Roger Manning definitely.)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Type O Negative, "Dead Again"

This song is just brilliant. The gratuitous F-word in the last line of the chorus seals it for me:

I can't believe I died last night
Oh God, I'm dead again
I can't believe I died last night
I'm fucking dead again

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


More mold that looks like peckers!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guy in Hotel Lobby Goes Apeshit

I especially like the part at the end when he flings his cellphone and someone off in the distance has to dodge it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lightning in slow motion.

This fills me with happiness.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I learned a new word today.

And will probably forget it. Pareidolia. This is when you see an accidental image. Like the virgin mary on a grilled cheese sandwich, or the baby Jesus near a dog's asshole. That type of thing. Check out Rasputin on this kitten's head.

My own example of this: at Zeitgeist a few years ago, I was having beers with this guy at one of those black surfaced tables. You know how a glass will make a ring on a table's surface? Well, all these beer glass patterns coalesced somehow into an uncanny image of Washington's face on the dollar bill. The kicker? It was President's Day. Not bullshitting.